Mediation and the Prosecutor’s Office

July 2, 2021

Family Mediation Burnt Tree

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The Benefits of Using UK Family Mediation Service Burnt Tree for Your Family Conflict Resolution

Family disputes can be very challenging to handle and can often lead to conflicts that damage relationships permanently. Divorce or separation can leave both partners with resentments and bitterness that affects not only them but also the children. While litigation seems like the go-to option, it is vital to understand that there are alternative options to resolving family disputes. One such option is family mediation provided by UK Family Mediation Service Burnt Tree.

What is Family Mediation?

Family mediation is a voluntary process where a trained mediator helps parties in a dispute to communicate, understand each other’s perspectives, and find a mutually acceptable solution to the issue at hand. It is an alternative to going through the courts and can cover a range of family disputes such as financial matters, parenting arrangements, and property disputes. The mediator does not take sides or make decisions for the parties involved. Instead, they facilitate discussions and help the parties find an agreement that meets everyone’s needs. Book Your MIAMS NOW!

The Benefits of Family Mediation

More Control Over the Outcome:

In contrast to going to court, mediation allows the parties involved to have more control over the outcome. In court, a judge will make the final decision, but in mediation, the parties reach an agreement they are happy with and that works for everyone.


Going through the courts can be expensive, whereas mediation is much more cost-effective. This is because the mediator’s fees are generally shared between the parties and it takes less time to reach an agreement compared to a court procedure.


Resolving a dispute through the court system can be a long process that can take months or even years. Mediation on the other hand allows for a much quicker resolution, sometimes even within a few sessions.

Less Adversarial:

Unlike the court process which can be an adversarial experience, mediation is a much more friendly and less formal process. This means that it is generally more conducive to achieving an agreement that works for everyone.


Mediation discussions are confidential. This means that the parties involved can discuss and agree on issues without the fear of it impacting their wider lives or reputations. Book Your MIAMS NOW!
Why UK Family Mediation Service Burnt Tree is the Way to Go
UK Family Mediation Service is a trusted and respected family mediation service. It offers a variety of services tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual circumstance. The service has a team of experienced and accredited mediators who are trained to help people navigate the issues that arise when a relationship ends or a family dispute occurs. The service is non-judgmental and impartial and can often help people achieve an agreement in as little as two to three sessions. It offers affordable rates and flexible payment plans and is willing to negotiate fees for those who are on low incomes or receiving government benefits. The service also offers counselling for those who need additional support in dealing with difficult situations.
UK Family Mediation Service Burnt Tree Can Help
Family mediation is a better way to resolve family disputes and UK Family Mediation Service provides a much-needed service to those seeking an alternative to court. The service offers an impartial and non-judgmental approach and can help families reach an agreement quickly and cost-effectively. If you’re currently going through a family dispute, consider the benefits of mediation and get in touch with UK Family Mediation Service Burnt Tree to discuss your options. Speak To Our Burnt Tree Team Today Make Sure Your Child Is Safe & Secure

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